, Our Team, Canyoning Valle D'Aosta

Our Team

Who we are
We are internationally certified Canyoning guides
, Our Team, Canyoning Valle D'Aosta

Dario Ferro

Creator and founder of
Canyoning Valle d’Aosta
, Our Team, Canyoning Valle D'Aosta

Jari Triboldi

Canyoning Valle d’Aosta
owner, founder of Alp
Adventure and CIC Canyoning Guide certified

, Our Team, Canyoning Valle D'Aosta

Chiara Pozzuoli

Communication manager
and customer service

Why are we canyoning guides?


The passion for canyoning is the driving force that pushes us to give our best to every descent in the stream and it is the same strength that pushed us to seek the best professional training.

Owner and First Guide of Canyononing Valle d’Aosta is Jari Triboldi who boasts 20 years of experience, several international expeditions and several important expeditions known worldwide. Jari follows in the footsteps of Dario Ferro, a former extreme sports reporter from Sector No Limits, who in 1991 founded the No Limits Center Vertical Adventures, the first Canyoning center in the Aosta Valley.

, Our Team, Canyoning Valle D'Aosta
Nepal Expeditions - Chamje Khola
Uno dei canyon più duri al mondo

International shipments

In 2017 we started new international collaborations and ambitious projects that took us to the peaks of the Himalayas.

In 2018 we attempted, together with an international team, the descent of the Chamjè Khola Canyon, a true Himalayan monster.
Months of preparation, 30 days in Nepal, 7 days in the canyon, about 7.5 km

It was the second world repetition and we managed to do it almost entirely.
A very hard, long and complex journey for an ambitious project.

In 2019 a new attempt: “The Italian job project” is successful despite the impervious weather and water conditions!
Chamjè Khola has finally been completely covered; each of its majestic parts trampled, each of its glimpses lived!

In 2019 we become part of the HIMALAYAN CANYON TEAM and we begin the preparation of new projects that in 2020 would take us to northern India and back to Nepal to go and discover and open new canyons. A dream left unfinished…


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